Our weeks in Nursery (8 and 15/4/24)

We began our new half term being superheroes. We read the book Supertato and began our superhero tasks.

But then Supertato was kidnapped by Evil Pea so we went on a search for him. We found him in the reception playground and we rescued him.

Using vegetables from the books and from the ingredients list we created, we made our own vegetable soup. We talked about safe handling of a knife and safe cutting skills. We talked about what would happened to our vegetables when we cooked them.

Our week in Nursery (4/3/24)

This week has been a busy week, again we’ve had so much to celebrate. We started our week reading stories about amazing mums and all the things they do for us.

In maths we have been focusing on shapes, recognising them in the environment, making new shapes using shapes and building with shapes.

We also took part in World Book Day and had lots of beautiful characters come to school instead of our usual children. We had fun reading stories, watching stories, guessing the story and creating our own bookmark.

Our week in Nursery (19/2/24)

Our first week back after the half term back and what a week it was. Although it was a short week it was an unforgettable one. We started our new topic growing by reading the book Jaspers Beanstalk. Following this, we planted our own beans fin the hope that we also get beanstalks.

On Friday we travelled from school, by coach, to Stourbridge Town Hall where was watched a lovely show called Goose. We had an amazing time at the show.

⭐️ Nursery certificate ⭐️

Well done to this week’s superstar. You have impressed us so much with your maths work, not only with your counting but recognising your numbers as well. You have progressed so much since September. Keep up the hard work.

Our work this week (29/1/24)

This week we have been going on a polar bear hunt. We went through some treacherous environments on our hunt to find the polar bear eventually arriving at a narrow, gloomy, snow cave.

Every morning we squiggle. We use flappers to make shapes in the air, using our whole body. Each week we create different shapes. This will help us when we start to write. On a Friday we take the shapes and transfer them on to paper.

⭐️ Well done certificate⭐️

Well done to our superstar this week. You joined our nursery when we returned after the Christmas break and you were a little unsure at times. But every day we have seen your confidence grow. You join in with all routines, you are beginning to say what we are doing next and you are always helpful and kind. It’s lovely having you in class. Keep it up!

Our work this week (22/1/24)

This week we were visiting different places in the world. The places we visited were very cold and the animals we saw were not what we would normally see as we visited the Arctic and Antarctic.

In maths we looked at patterns. We discussed the patterns we see all around use and the type of patterns we might see on animals.

Our work this week (15/1)

This week in maths we have been learning about sequencing, the order in which we do things. We learnt the vocabulary we need to use; first, next, then and last. Here are some of the activities we sequenced.

Jack Frost

This week in English, we read the story “Here comes Jack Frost”.

The boy in our story didn’t like winter because all his friends were hibernating. We learnt what hibernating meant and acted it out by sleeping. However, when the boy saw all the fun activities he could do in winter he began to enjoy it. We drew pictures about what we liked to do in the snow.